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Learn from renowned leadership experts from a variety of industries, gain a new perspective on relevant topics,
​and get practical tools to take home.

John C Maxwell

a renowned leadership expert and author, has dedicated his life to empowering individuals and organizations to reach their full potential through his insightful teachings and prolific writing on leadership principles. With over 100 books to his name and a global influence, Maxwell continues to inspire countless individuals to become effective leaders in their personal and professional lives.

Michael Jr.

Michael Jr. is a dynamic comedian and motivational speaker known for his unique blend of humor and inspirational messages that uplift audiences across the globe. With a knack for finding profound truths in everyday life, Michael Jr. spreads joy and encourages personal growth through his engaging performances and storytelling.

Chris Robinson

Chris Robinson is a key figure in the leadership development industry, having played an instrumental role in the growth and success of the Maxwell Leadership brand. With a passion for empowering individuals to become effective leaders, Robinson's contributions have made a significant impact on countless professionals seeking to elevate their leadership skills and achieve their goals.


John C Maxwell

a renowned leadership expert and author, has dedicated his life to empowering individuals and organizations to reach their full potential through his insightful teachings and prolific writing on leadership principles. With over 100 books to his name and a global influence, Maxwell continues to inspire countless individuals to become effective leaders in their personal and professional lives.

Kendra Scott

Kendra Scott is a visionary entrepreneur and designer renowned for her eponymous jewelry brand, celebrated for its vibrant designs and philanthropic endeavors. With a keen eye for style and a passion for giving back, she has empowered countless women to express their individuality through her timeless creations.

Ryan Leak

Ryan Leak is a dynamic filmmaker and inspirational speaker recognized for his innovative approach to storytelling and motivational talks. Through his creative endeavors, he inspires audiences worldwide to pursue their dreams relentlessly and embrace the power of possibility.

Marcus Buckingham is a pioneering author and thought leader in the field of strengths-based leadership and employee engagement. With his groundbreaking insights and captivating presentations, he has revolutionized how organizations approach talent management, inspiring individuals to harness their unique strengths for peak performance and fulfillment.

Marcus Buckingham

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